Kundalini Yoga

The sixth Charkra : Anjana . Seed Sound : OM

The two lotus petals are symbolic for the functioning of the mind ( mamas ) in two worlds of reality , the manifest and unmanifest , but also the pineal and pituitary and for Ida And Pingala , which unite at this point .
Ajna Chakra : When Mind looks at the Supreme Intelligence it stands in awe of its splendor and its power . The comparison of millions of Suns and Moons is insufficient to describe their brilliance .
Even the galaxies of stars and Suns and Moons can only reflect the light that comes from the source of all light .
The power that has created the eye can see . The power that created the mind is beyond mind . Shiva /Shakti is neither Male nor Female ( nor neuter ) but existence , Consciousness , bliss Sat cit ananda .